Varus Build: Items, Runes, and Strategy MOBA Champion

varus lethality build s9

varus lethality build s9 - win

My point of view on taric. (my journey/ improve/ taric/ ranked / skills/ future)

My love to taric beginned with pre season 8. I was a blindfolded plat hardstucktop main before. To me 300 cs min 25 as wukong with 3 x 500 gold lethality camp steal item was a good performance, carrying the inting bot players. I was venting about toplane impact, playing flash ignite on early dominance toplane champs like renekton, jayce, wukong, olaf. Strong laning, and build skills, 0 macro game and team skills. I loved to experiment with builds, and off roled with an insipid ap varus bot/mid. Then some items got nerfed but I didnt lose hope, and kept digging for op strategies, searching and testing interesting mechanics / interactions. With 100 % tunnel vision on inhib in 20 minutes.
1 game, I trolled a bit in soloq and pulled of a reworked taric. I used to play him a bit pre rework and wanted to check if I can pull off sth nice from him. The results where insanely good. Taric had 5000 physical damage sustain min 1- 6, and pantheon was the most oppressive laner at that moment with potential to poke for 2400 damage from spear at this stage. With that discovery, I realised that taric is the most broken toplane champ in s8-s9 meta, bcs he could lose lane and impact game unlike classic toplane champs that ned to win HARD to not get swallowed by other lanes. He also had a lot of decent matchups.
I started to spam him with double tear build. I reached diamond for first time this way( with 50sh attempts in the past per season), and finally got to play with good players. And I started to learn the game too! Once you got to play with and against good players, you improve really quickly! I found an ardent nidalee player (Nid2improve or sth like that), with climbing and improve urge. We spammed plenty rankeds and we reached d1 togather. He showed me the magic of League, mini maxing every little second of his gameplay. He was calculated af, and we spammed early red invade and facerolling enemies with nidalee 2Q + taric E 2AA ignite burst. We knew that ignite taric can dish out 400 damage lvl 1 (300 after reductions) and nidalee with 2 spells and 1 auto can easly execute fools. and we were sneaking from tribush with perfectly calculated 1:26 enemy red rush, catching enemies on cooldowns.
He was a totally diffrent player than me... but he was a very good player! Toxic, but super agile, with insane speed, rythm feeling, and jungle clear knowladge. I guess draven type of player. Skilled but 0 social skills. We separated after quarell 1 game bcs I didnt warn him from roaming quinn. He said that I am low apm player and he doesnt see my potential and deleted me from friend list.
I was a bit broken after this, and scared to play solo and demoted to p1. It was an early s8 or so. I thoght a bit about league and I realised that there are like 20 or 30 skills in league, while I mastered only 2 of them with an op strat. Most players are good, in their own areas, but we cannot see it bcs we can only see how bad they are in areas where we are good. But they also win 50 % games right? There is a korean draven main vincent that does speed runs with draven and he see lol as an action game ( like mario). There is a dopa that wins rankeds with a strategy + high tempo view on the game (like chess). There is pants are dragon that tries his best to understand the meta with strong social skills. There is finally tf blade that disrespects every rules in this game and mindblows enemies in mindgame. Holy fuck his spacing and limit testing is so good. And there is a funny cheesy tilterella that abuse cheese, abuse others tunnelling, focuses on realising what others think about, and how to faceroll them. And there is trash yassuo player that vents but is ardent to win.
All those players are different and use champions that supports their playstyle, and the kind of play they enjoy the game. And I realised that I am lucky and Taric can support really a lot of player's skills! Adc's, warriors mechanics for orbwalking. High APM. Low ad made wave menagement really challenging. I had to master recalls to not int games on serious levels. I started to shotcall for baron plays. I abused lvl 3 power for 3:15 scuttle bcs taric wins every 2v2 there. I had a feeling that every kind of skill I put my time and thoughts into will be rewarded. Even the way you talk to your teammates can impact your ranked performance right? They are good in 4-5 areas of 30 and you need to respect them for it. If you play with them you are generally on similar play level to them. Never try to blame them, they wont menage to improve during your game. If you want to win you just need to get better, so you can carry another players. There is no other solution.
-do you know jungle mechanics? -no? - how do u want to not get swallowed by enemy jungler -do you know how to put an agressive vision? -no? -do you still think that lazy ward protects you from enemy jungler ganks? install outplayed and check your deaths after every session. -do you realise that game begins pre draft stage? You need to chill, tell a joke to duo player, share memes, check ping, have a gaming mouse keyboard. Any% guys. Dont get tilted because of non game related stuff.
just dont vent about current state and find a solution. There is always a skill that once learnt can result in unleash of your potential and successful climb.
That thinking motivated me to get skilled, and I started to relearn the game from basics. I trashed my skills into a bin, watched skill capped challenger, spent tens of hours in practice tool on wave menagement , thought about how I can impact other lanes and improve my mechanics. I re calculated taric, and made a toplane guide, abusing kleptomancy, ignite pre nerfed cookies timewarp, and I was a first blood king, with catalyst raptors cloak mejai roa as most often purchased items. ( every single item in this build had like 200 % gold efficiency and I was able to remove all taric issues, speed, mana, tankiness in every game.
At some moment I made a simple excel math model. ( I suck with propability so I just listed all possible results of early laning. 1 win 0 equal -1 point on lose. (A team with more points post laning wins a game model). The results where interesting. If you never lose your lane the chances to have stronger team in group stage is 60 sh % if you always win your lane it increases to 66 or so. If you made your teammates to not to menage to lose their laning you have 75 % to have a stronger team in midgame,
And yes I was abusing ohmwrecker to end games in 15 minutes shotcalling my team before they even menage to int their lanes. I think my fastest win was 11 minutes this way ;' ) good times it was.
With that motivation even after strong meta changes that started to nerf my strat I got to 75 % sh wr rank 1 taric world march april s9 on shitty eune server master 100 lp. I was playing max 4 rankeds, checking ping every game, preparing mentally before every match. I was focusing on... focusing on all skills togather and make sure I dont fail in any area of skills ( vincent speedrun, egrills cheering teammates, dopas macrogame) Ofc I was not even close to unleash janna support power level of cheering.
Due to private problems I had to quit spamming rankeds, but I menaged to end the season as master eune and d3 euw with decent wr. I remember how tilted I was when admins repeatadly refused to award me with targons peak role on discord server ;'). I had really hard time to be satisfied.
In current season I am not even close to my early season 9 mindset. I hardstuck in d2 -d1 elo with at best average performance and I am scared to play rankeds. I totally lost powerfarming skill, and a lot from early agression. I dont have motivation to encourage and shotcall to cheesy plays. Taric's laning keeps falling off and is about to die, and I am not even close to min 15 speed runs on enemy nexus.
2 others fun facts if you run a cheesy strat in "high" elo your account is provital for trust of your teammates. high diamond is a limited player pool, and if they dont know you, they will just look at your stats and estimate you with them. Its easier to win on high wr account with an environment of people that know , respect and fear you than on much lower account where you boost friends. At some point s10 I had 65 % on trickster taric and 45 % on infernal taric, master and diamond 1 account in the past. Many d1 players still recognise me in my server and agree to follow my ideas, while on d4 every player picks carry champion because he doesnt trust in his teammates. While this approach seems to be good for a player, because he is is granted a chance to carry, well, the game doesnt have enough money to support 3 other players thinking like you per team . If enemy wins his earlygame your team will be crowded, and tilted because of resource share.
I have no clue if its an accident or it just works this way, but I think that a player with many accounts can be a gold on 1 account and diamond 4 if he doesnt play a lot of games on each. League is a marathon, a game with extremely tough environment to learn from. if you are placed with gold players you will be granted a chance to learn only gold level moves. Even if you do good 1 game, you might assume it as an error because it was 1 of the 11 lose streak game. Thats an issue of multi- player game. Think, adapt, overcome or you will be swallowed.
About sources to improve. I recommend to stop to subscribe most NA streamers (solo renekton, glaccier etc). most youtube channels are related to meta and making exciting content. While this is fun and chilling to watch, the level of play showed there is like... a level of knowladge that mens health newspaper shares. Good for begginerrs, maybe check it from time to time to stay updated to trends, but league isnt a stock market. or league of graphs wont give you skills but a lot of information that is really really hard to interpretate.
My climbing adivce is try to abuse any %. Dont tunnel get skills in areas u ignored before. Learn whats your allies and enemy thinking. Think about what enables them. Shotcall cheer and interrupt. Pay attention to details.
Taric is the one that gave me this wisdom. The only champ in the game that supports so many skills, builds, has early game power, shotcalling potential. A perfect champion to learn the game the protector and enchanter... it was.
I am confindent that riot will fail to give us enough tools to show our skills. Because we are fucking skilled guys. Please trust in my point of view on taric, and my reason is how much I am dedicated to him. I really want to avoid him to be jg + funnel till d1 exlusive. His early laning on support role vs 2 ranged champions is way way too passive, unless you have duo laner with taric champion knowladge. Imo thats an issue already : the champion is granted to test his limits 3 times vs 2 ranged enemies per laning per game ( flash timers) . It is extremely difficult to learn taric on support, and a support role as taric. Why? because he the lowest threat range in entire game. If your adc doesnt have kinda draintank skillset, he will be shit scared and feel 1v2 on every last hit vs 2 ranged enemies. and those drain tank skills, limit testing, damage taking are essential skills for your adc.
and on top of that issues taric will lose up to 1000 mana in early laning. You had a potential to have around 2000 mana pool in ~8 minutes catalyst pom boots. thats s10. now it will be only 1000 if you rush 2 mana crystals. If you are lucky you will be drafted against ad and melee teamcomps and taric would do well vs them , as always. but imagine how fucking passive will be laning vs moonstone brand that will excell taric even in taric areas? Will you be ever granted a chance to limit test your champion? Because flash E also needs to meet some requirements, u need to survive to level 3, then most likely recall bcs adc didnt sacrifice minions for health, and then maybe a leap of faith on them. If your gold adc will trust you Will riot balance that. Yes but we will be forced to wait. And I dont expect more than 20-40 mana per level.
And yes even with they dont we will overcome. We will pick taric as an counterpick vs full ad melee comps, play with duos if we want to win etc. with a good win rate! But the balance is not about win rate. Taric is already a sharp dedicated tool. Too sharp for being the only melee paladin champion. I want to have a chance to climb with taric every game, win because of my skills, not my teammates, and even in bad games have a lot of things to do.
because we dont deserve to get a scared adc, that thinks that taric is a scaling enchanter that will grant him R. He wont be able to play around it anyways, and this is my gold ranked support expirience.
You can be nice, You can explain to him that he should give up a bit of early laning, save health for level 3. You can explain that ur level 1 sucks. But you are not guaranteed to be listened. Oh cmon he doesnt even speak english.
If we dont step up, taric wr will remain the same, pick rate will drop, and we will be treated like the marginal minority. So please, dont be scared that taric will lose some of his nature because of riots glance on him. HE IS ALREADY LOSING IT AND ITS HAPPENING.
Please support the adjustments idea. We generally have a similar point of view, we love high apm tank taric that can do thing sand I am confident that 90 % of players wont be satisfied to be limited to R powerplays. Because this is going to be his gameplay expirience
Thanks for attention guys!
PS.Sry if I am too narcisitic, impolite somewhere. I am not native english speaker and I might have a hard time to make some phrases sooth enough. And I dont feel a better person or player than others!
PS 2 prob the last chance to try taric top ;)
submitted by InfernalTaric to taricmains [link] [comments]

[Rant] Current state of ADC.

Introduction: My name is Fabio, I started playing my first moba in late s7, started maining ADC in early s8 and in s9 I've got to plat1 with 60%wr mainly playing Draven and DISCLAIMER: some things may not be correct, I'm "letting it all out" as just a P1 player.
Initially I wanted to make a post just asking for help but maybe this is just going to be a yeah.
In Season 9, I actually felt like ADC's impact wasn't that big but wasn't that low so many games were still winnable and I could go and hit D4 for the first time (unfortunately couldn't due to internet issues, but that's fine.) My experience in season9 was honestly GOOD compared to season 10.
First of all I've always had the mentality of "If I keep winning lane as ADC and be better than the enemy ADC, I'm eventually gonna rank up" but now..In Season's just another thing.
I'm literally having so MANY more problems and that is just FRUSTRATING MAN.
Champion select: Let's start with champ select, if you aren't picking the over-tuned season 10 champ, lethality Varus or a mage APC your chances of carrying go really low, and it's way sadder that in champ-select going exhaust is just the better choice right now due to all the damage there is. The buff combined with nimbus cloak will save you more often than heal. Exhaust also let's you duel/survive against assassins/divers way more times than heal would. And then..if you aren't picking an ADC like Vayne/Kai'Sa and they got tanks/'s just way better dodging the lobby.
Laning phase: After dealing with supports having just absurd numbers on their damage (looking at you nautilius and leona), I actually got better at dying less versus them after watching many and many videos on youtube trying to improve and mostly because I've started freezing lane and finding opportunities to freeze it way more than I did in season 9!.
IF YOU LOSE LANE, you have 90% lost the game. You might say "Yeah, it was the same in other seasons", yes it was. But right now the chance of come-backing as an ADC is just way harder due to the XP chagnes in other lanes and you just having to be in sidelanes the double than you should have been in S9. And even if it was your support fault..guess what? He isn't gonna get blamed. They can fuck up the lane then ditch you to roam and the team will get the impression that they're being helpful and the ADC isn't. Roaming is good but some never come back and you can't get in the game since you'll be getting zoned and eventually dove. Both supp and ad can fuck each other over but supports at least can just leave and help elsewhere. Thats why adc diff is more common than support diff. Because the enemy ADC is just gonna be 40 cs up and 1 item and you can't really do anything about it other than just last-hitting waves bot lane, pinging your team to not go in when there is the enemy ADC and /fullmute all.
IF THE LANE IS EVEN/WON, Oh nice the lane is going 1/0 and I am 20 cs up!...but then enemy Sett and Diana dive me at level 6 while we are level 4 or the enemy mid just roaming bot and after 2 failed ganks (with no repercussions) HIS THIRD GANK works, he gets a double kill and..guess what bot lane is done.
IF THE LANE IS WON, this is whats happening to me right now most of the times, I go like 8-0, 4-0 but still lose..
Yay! You hard-won lane with a soloQ Lux support, that means you have probably got their first tower! Now you can start switching to other lanes.
Hmm..let's top has lost lane to Irelia but my Mid is kinda even versus Zed so that means the best is just going Mid lane since Irelia can out-play me with all of her mobility. Walks mid lane, starts farming the second minion wave..AND GUESS WHAT. The 5/6 Zed oneshots a 7/0/2 Varus with 154 armor. (Yes, I missed R because I honestly thought he wasn't able to kill me so he caught me by surprise, I was so mad that I even bought tabi + thornmail + edge of night but was I was still getting oneshot). So as you can see here..that's a 5/6 Zed versus a 7/0/2 154 armor. (see note). Or games where you are 6/0 Draven lv12 and enemy top 6/0 Jax lv15
Here are more clips after winning lane but I guess not enough, and one mistake costs you the game while playing ADC:
XP diff
VS Poke
VS 3/3 lv17 Sett
I have way more clips but don't think I need more to get my point straight. (I've lost games as fed Vayne because of leblanc+malphite and my team since its High Gold-Low Plat forgetting to peel me. I have nearly lost to a negative KDA Qiyana and negative KDA nocturne but won thanks of 500hp yuumi heals every 2sec).
Plus in lower elos, Macro doesn't really exist and since ADC role right now is "macro-dependent" you can't really catch sidelanes when you want and have to follow the random fights.
Itemization: Honestly on ADCs you don't really have many "defensive" item choices versus fed enemies and they honestly are just "meh". Your first defensive item is a phantom dancer that you probably will get as third item that means at 25minutes where most games are probably already decided and his shield isn't probably even enough. Then there is a challenger player's thoughts on buying defensive boots as ADC
Final thoughts: I'm not saying that ADC role is unwinnable, in fact you can get Rank 1 as ADC..just's hard. I'm open to all criticism on my personal opinion, and I'll edit the post if there are any mistakes/things I want to change after you showed me/etc.
I'm not really that "experienced" so yeah.
EDIT: On the Zed video, it was just me building wrong, got told that if I would have just bought EoN+tabi or GA/Stopwatch I wouldn't have died.
submitted by FabioSxO to MarksmanMains [link] [comments]

varus lethality build s9 video

Charges a shot for up to 4 seconds, increasing this ability's range and damage over the next 2 seconds, during which he is slowed. On recasting this ability, Varus fires a piercing arrow in the target direction, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck. Varus. Champion Tier: Tier 5. Q. W. E. R. Counter Champion; Strong against; Swain Win Ratio 38.89%: Counter Sivir Win Ratio 43.47%: Counter Jhin Win Ratio 46.89%: Counter Twitch Win Ratio 61.73%: Counter Xayah Win Ratio 53.29%: Counter Aphelios ... Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Language. Language. English 한국어 日本語 język polski français Deutsch español Nederlands dansk Svenska Norsk русский язык magyar suomi Türkçe ... Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 [10.2] Lethality Varus vs Attack Speed Varus. Varus build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Varus Strategy Builds and Tools. Varus Build 11.3 ranks as an C-Tier pick for the Bottom Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 46.74% (Bad), Pick Rate of 1.52% , and a Ban Rate of 0.28% (Low).Using Precision Runes and a full damage item build, combine with the Marksman playstyle, this is a moderately difficult to play champion in league of legends. The best Varus build will be specific to that division’s meta. Best Varus Runes If you are battling a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting him the Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, Magical Footwear, and Biscuit Delivery runes. In recent games, he won the greatest fraction of his matches when equiped with these runes. Yet ... Top builds, runes, skill orders for Varus based on the millions of matches we analyze daily. Also includes as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, rankings for this champion Hey there, you curious Varus lover! I am Jochnes aka. Lissandragon, playing League of Legends over 6 years now! I loved to play Mid Lane Varus back in season 5 and 6, he got a lot of buffs lately and I think he is playable again! This is also helpful for Adc Varus players that chose to go for a poke build! View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Varus İntikam Oku. Check Varus's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Play like the Pros. Import Bjergsens Build into your game using Pro Builds by Blitz Download. Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. Automatically. Download. probuilds. Pros; Champions; Teams; Live Feed; Download ...

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